A revolutionary insolvency package
ASSURE Indemnify
Assure Indemnify™ is an insolvency litigation package designed for Insolvency Practitioners in the furtherance of litigation in the course of their insolvency appointment.
In weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of commencing proceedings, an Insolvency Practitioner invariably considers the following risks:
- Adverse cost orders
- Funding costs of legal proceedings
- The size of the litigation claim
One or a combination of factors may influence the Insolvency Practitioner’s decision on whether to litigate a claim.
Minimise Your Risk
Assure Global Plus has recognised and acknowledged the barriers to Insolvency Practitioners in pursuing legal proceedings and have developed a package which minimises those risks.
Assure Global Plus, in association with their preferred lawyers, Redchip Lawyers, will assume carriage of the matter on behalf of the Insolvency Practitioners on a speculative basis.
Assure Global Plus further reduces the risks by indemnifying the Insolvency Practitioner against adverse cost orders.
- Assure Global Plus, in association with their preferred lawyers, Redchip Lawyers, assume carriage of the matter, including filing fees, and barrister fees, if applicable, on your behalf on a speculative basis
- Assure Global Plus indemnifies the Insolvency Practitioner against adverse cost orders
- Assure Global Plus only charges commission and outlays on monies collected of the claim amount in a successful outcome on a speculative basis
- The Insolvency Practitioner pays the court filing fee prior to commencing proceedings
- Assure Global Plus organises Professional Fees and associated legal costs via their solicitors, Redchip Lawyers
- Assure Global Plus indemnifies the Insolvency Practitioner against adverse cost orders
- Assure Global Plus only charges commission and outlays on monies collected of the claim amount in a successful outcome on a speculative basis
- The Insolvency Practitioner pays the court filing fees, ongoing legal costs, and barrister fees, if applicable
- Assure Global Plus organises professional fees via their solicitors, Redchip Lawyers
- Assure Global Plus indemnifies the Insolvency Practitioner against adverse cost orders
- Assure Global Plus only charges commission and outlays on monies collected of the claim amount in a successful outcome on a speculative basis
Our packages are offered on a case-by-case basis and we may not accept every request made for our packages. We offer no guarantee as to the outcome of any claim that is made. Our packages are subject to changes which may occur in the law from time to time including the laws regarding insolvency under the Corporations Act 2001. All packages are offered subject to our terms and conditions contained in our engagement documents.